A tectonic earthquake (EQ) with a magnitude of 5.6 occurred in West Java on 21 November 2022, at 13:21:20 WIB, the EQ epicenter located at 6.84 South and 107.05 East, at the depth of 10 KM. No tsunami generated.
Earthquake location
– 10 Km Southwest of Cianjur Regency
– 15 Km Northeast of Sukabumi City
– 39 Km Southeast of Bogor City
– 63 Km Northwest of Bandung
– 78 Km Southeast of Jakarta

Current Situation
- Challenges:
- Damaged roads prevent accesses for numerous survivors to evacuate
- Power cut in some areas
- BMKG reported continuous aftershocks of smaller magnitudes
- Unsynchronised data
- Needs:
- Medical services and personnel, ambulances, rescue vehicles
- Generators
- Tents
- Water, food and clothing
- Assistance:
- Emergency Command Post set up and serves information
- Tents erected for the survivors and medical service, some injured referred to the hospitals in near by towns
- Public kitchen
- President Joko Widodo visited the affected areas and stated to provide some IDR 50 million to each severe damaged houses, 25 million to medium damaged, and 10 million to light damaged
- The Head of Cianjur District issued an Emergency Response Statement Letter (No: 3608717/BPBD/2022) effective for 30 days (21 Nov-20 Dec) extendable according to the condition in the communities.
- BNPB allocates 1.5 billion IDR from Dana Siap Pakai (emergency fund) and 500 million IDR for emergency logistics assistance.
- BPBD continue collecting data related to the number of the affected people, the damaged public facilities/infrastructure , evacuation locations, and urgent needs.
- The Ministry of Social Affairs activates the Coordination of the National Cluster for Displacement and Protection and its Sub-Clusters, as well set up the main Post in Cianjur district for social service.
- Loc-Nat-Int’l Orgs:
- NGO forum, e.g. Humanitarian Forum Indonesia assists BPBD and local government in coordinating emergency response
- NGOs Supporting Team of National Cluster to day held online meeting and to conduct needs assessment in Cianjur
- Many individual Organisations provisdes humanitarian reliefs to affeted people.
- Volunteer registration via SIM BNPB: https://sim-deskrelawanpb.bnpb.go.id/
- Jabar quick response: +628111357777
- Coordination of National Cluster for Displacement and Protection, standby at the main Post: Yoga Yasonta +6285322181399 and Alfian Nursandy +628118128411
- BPBD of Cianjur District: +6281295250593
- The leader of the HFI members who carried out the emergency response: Wahana Visi Indonesia +6282116633506
RedR Initiatives
- Monitoring the situation and to intervene when requires e.g. short course on humanitarian principles and standards, and safety to responders.
- In collaboration with other organisations, intends to promote safe building codes.
Contact: Benny Usdianto (+628111770633; benny.usdianto@redr.or.id) and Catherine Pamela (+6285291429033; catherine.pamela@redr.or.id)
- 1st Coordination Meeting of National Cluster for Displacement and Protection and its Sub Cluster Head
- BMKG Earthquake and Tsunami Center (www.bmkg.go.id and www.inatews.bmkg.go.id)
- The Kapusdatin (Head of Data and Information Center) of BNPB
- Pusdalops (Operation and Control Center) of BNPB
- BPBD (District Disaster Management Office) of Cianjur
- Meeting minutes from the Logistics of Sub-Cluster of Displacement and Protection
- Human Initiative (https://human-initiative.org/gempa-cianjur-jawa-barat/)